A range of assessment tasks and methods are utilised in all classes. Assessment tasks may include (but are not limited to): tests (written/oral), assignments, presentations, videos, posters, performances, demonstrations. Assessment tasks may be individual or group tasks.
Formal exams are held for all students in Years 7-11 in June and October/November each year. Our formal exam program has proven to be a very positive component of preparing students for VCE examinations. Year 12 exams are held in November of each year. In June all students undertaking a Year 12 subject complete the GAT.
All students receive an interim report at the end of Term 1 and the end of Term 3. Full Semester reports for all subjects are completed at the end of Semester 1 and Semester 2. All reports are distributed on line via Compass.
Parent teacher student conferences are held during Term 1 and 3 for all year levels.
Teachers are in regular communication with parents and guardians, and we encourage contact to be made with the classroom teacher or house coordinator if there are any concerns with regard to your child's learning program.