We encourage students to pursue their diverse interests and dreams:
Principal’s ‘Over 40s Club’ which recognises outstanding VCE Study Scores over 40
Multiple winners of RACV Transmission Advertising Award for Media Production
Frequent winners of 3in6 Short Film Competition
Annual gala performance and drama productions
Varied music and musicianship performance evenings
Debating and public speaking competitions
Rotary MUNA – Model United Nations participation
Rotary Youth of the Year Awards
Year 7 Spectacular
Year 12 Valedictory Dinner
Annual Presentation Evening
National competitions in English, Maths, Technology and Science
Careers and vocational guidance – Managed Individual Pathways Coordinator
Programmed Work Experience
Peer Support Training and Aspirant Leaders Camp
Yr 10 Community Course - Fostering an awareness and understanding of social and civic responsibility. Through practical involvement, students experience and celebrate the contributions they can make in supporting and strengthening their communities.
Extensive range of college and community service activities: Shave for a Cure; World Vision 40 Hour Famine; Jeans for Genes Day; Red Cross Calling; State Schools Relief Fund; Anzac and Remembrance Day and many more.